Have you paid your current dues for 2015-2016?

According to our treasurer, Mike Hill, dues for the current year are owed by the following members: Aucoin, Bissett, Bumgarner, K. Campbell, Channing, Cherry, Dollar, Filene, Fonvielle, Freeze, Grundy, Hall, Irons, Korstad, LaVere, Lee, Leloudis, Lowery, McRae, Miller, Smith, D. Southern, M. Southern, Thuesen, C. Troxler, G. Troxler, Watson, Wertheimer, and York.

Each of the above owes $15 for 2015-2016.  Dues can be paid ahead, of course, with new dues to be paid in October.  A check made to HSNC for either $15 or $30 from each of those listed mailed to the attention of Michael Hill at Archives & History, 4610 MSC, Raleigh, NC  27699-4610 would be greatly appreciated.

Those of you who are up-to-date in your dues are reminded also that payment for dues for the 2016-2017 year may be made to Mike at the above address or paid at the October meeting.